大家应该都知道,一般老师听课之后,都会有记录,即使是初一也不例外。下面是英语之家小编给大家整理的初一英语听课记录,供大家参阅! 内容来自www.yingyuzhijia.com
教学内容:新目标七年级下册 Unit 3Why do you like koalas? Section B (1—3) [教学目标] 本文来自英语之家
知识目标:1.学习并掌握What, Why引导的特殊疑问句,
2.用Because句型和形容词“ugly, clever, friendly, beautiful, shy ”表示 本文来自英语之家
原因,性质、品质。 copyright yingyuzhijia.com
能力目标:Describe animals; Express preferences
情感目标:了解自然,树立自觉保护动物的意识,谈论喜好,展示个性。 [重点难点] 内容来自www.yingyuzhijia.com
重点:1. Words: ugly, clever, friendly, beautiful, shy, other 2. Target Language:
What animals do you like?
copyright yingyuzhijia.com
What other animals do you like? Because they’re…and…
难点:How to describe animal and express preferences. 本文来自英语之家
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1. 目标明确,重、难点把握准确,,知识主线提炼精确。 copyright yingyuzhijia.com
2. 教学设计体现了“听说课”的教学模式,从复习热身、感知体验、强化巩固到语言应用,设计的思路清晰,步骤明确,体现了“层层递进”的教学原则。 内容来自www.yingyuzhijia.com
3. 设计的流程遵循了学生的认知规律,由感知体验到语言应用,注重了知识获取,能力形成的学习过程。 copyright www.yingyuzhijia.com
4. 能够突出学生的主体地位,面向全体,每个学生有任务,且每个学生都有展示的机会。
5. 通过小组间的合作,引导学生进行自主、探究学习,敢于质疑,善于解惑,学会总结,大胆评价。 copyright www.yingyuzhijia.com
6. 教学效果良好,学生参与面广,参与机会多,参与的积极性高涨,兴趣浓,知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度价值观得到了很好的落实。 copyright yingyuzhijia.com
1、教师再多增加一些让学生展示的机会,以便进一步增强学生的自信心、提高其积极性,进而获得成就感; copyright yingyuzhijia.com
2、教师应进一步锤炼自己的课堂语言,从而使课堂教学可以更加流畅地进行。 copyright yingyuzhijia.com
1. T leads Ss to read aloud the dialogues in unit 1 to review what they learned in last class. 本文来自英语之家
2. T starts teaching the new words on page 7 in unit 2. T stresses on the pronunciation and spelling of the words by showing the connection between the similar words, e.g. father, mother, brother etc. 本文来自英语之家
3. T leads Ss to read aloud the words and let them read by themselves.
4. T checks Ss’ learning by saying the Chinese meaning of the words and asks Ss to say it in English. 本文来自英语之家
5. T asks Ss to take out their exercise books and practicing writing the new words and stresses the pronunciation and spelling again, and checks Ss’ understanding. copyright yingyuzhijia.com
6. T leads Ss to read aloud the new words again.
copyright yingyuzhijia.com
十月十日 七三班第二节
教学过程: 内容来自www.yingyuzhijia.com
1. T greets Ss using the sentences they learned in the starter units, e.g. How are you today?/I’m fine, thank you. And you?/I’m good, thanks. copyright www.yingyuzhijia.com
2 T presents two photos of her family members and teach Ss to say the words they just learned, e.g. father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother etc. And T writes them and their Chinese meaning down on the Bb.