近年末,考试啊、节日啊都扎堆到来,祝别人幸福、祝别人好运的话语也多了起来。今天就来看看“祝你好运”的常见表达吧~ 说起好运,大家第一反应就是good luck,其实除了它,老外...
爱看美剧的宝宝们,应该经常遇到good for your这句话吧?这句话虽然短,单词也很简单,基本上很多小学生都认识。 但是它真正的意思,很多人都理解错了。 它其实可以表达很多曾含义...
2) good buy 不等于 goodbye! 还可以说:That's really a bargain! bargain 动词(讨价还价)!名词(便宜货)!...
明明跳舞走错步是常有的事,他说: 我不擅长跳舞。I'm not good at dancing. 亮亮见人多就不好意思唱歌了,他说: 我不太会唱。I'm not good at singing. 你废了好大劲才没有跑到最后,你说:...
- I got a new job! 我有了新工作。 - Good for you. 恭喜啦。 - I have passed CET 6 我英语六级通过了 - Good for you. 恭喜你啊! - I wanna hit the gym everyday. 我打算每天去健身房锻炼。 - Good for you. 不错啊...
提到“祝你好运”,是不是脑袋里就只有good luck?今天就来讲讲“好运”的15种替换表达! 1Best of luck! 在这里,best是名词的用法,意思是最好的人(或事物)。 Best of luck on/with your finals! 祝...
When times become difficult (and you know they sometimes will), remember a moment in your life that was filled with joy and happiness. Remember how it made you feel, and you will have the strength you need to get through any trial. 当你身陷...
英语演讲:Good bye and good luck 哈佛校长演讲 Today, I speak from this podium a final time as your president. As I depart, I want to thank all of you - students, faculty, alumni and staff - with whom I have been privileged to wor...
和你的朋友分享吧 英语要学好,坚持最重要,每天听说不能少。 Listen Now: When times become difficult (and you know they sometimes will), remember a moment in your life that was filled with joy and happiness. Remembe...
推荐阅读: 英语学习托福词汇表2001-3000(汇总) 2601 inherent adj. 固...
推荐阅读: 英语学习托福词汇表2001-3000(汇总) 2351 heed n./v. 注意...
1.认清词汇对GRE考试的重要性 掌握gre词汇量是GRE考试成功的一半...
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