Take a country full of people who frequently loathe each other, then impose a social system of extreme politeness to ensure nobody can ever say what they mean without offending somebody else – and you’ll start to understand why these...
1 讲英语难, 吵架更难. 虽说人在国外总是想尽办法以和为贵, 但要跟人家吵架怎么办? 很多人一生气, 所有的英文都忘光了, 平常英文就说不出口, 更何况是吵架, 所以满脑子浮现的不是...
1 小编导读:近日,河南一男子酒驾追尾被交警抓包的视频火了~此极品男子的重点是,你个胖子喝多和交警撕起来也就算了,撕完了还狂飙英文骂人:““Tell me what's your name...fuck yo...
推荐阅读: 英语学习托福词汇表2001-3000(汇总) 2601 inherent adj. 固...
推荐阅读: 英语学习托福词汇表2001-3000(汇总) 2351 heed n./v. 注意...
1.认清词汇对GRE考试的重要性 掌握gre词汇量是GRE考试成功的一半...
新东方留学生资料下载 {"name":{"label":"姓名","placeholder":"","requir...
英语学习留学生资料下载 {"name":{"label":"姓名","placeholder":"","req...