Like the people of any country, the British are given to loudly exclaiming something whenever they are startled; unlike most people, however, the restrictions on the English language that are caused by classic British politeness mean that...
1、字母r的卷舌与否 英美音最大的区别在于是否卷舌,英音不卷,美音卷,但有些迷恋美音的同学卷舌音发的有些过火(overdone),不该卷的地方也卷了,比美国人卷得还厉害,这就不好...
英美音词汇对比 1,英语单词中不发音的词尾-me, -ue在美语拼写中被删除。 英语拼法 美语拼法 公斤 kilogramme kilogram 方案 programme program 目录 catalogue catalog 对话 dialogue dialog 序言 prologu...
1. Au fait – this is an example of a French expression that has become part of the English Language. It means to have good detailed knowledge of something. (This is not slang but a very British English expression.) Au fait是英语从法语...
流行的俚语总是随时在变。一些“老实巴交”、“默默无闻”的英文单词,说不定哪天摇身一变,变成了大家都爱用的潮流俚语了。 1. snatched 极好的(snatch本意是“抢走”) You look sna...
After repeated requests from our readers, we’ve created this list of the 5 best movies to learn British English. Since we know that some of our English readers aren’t native speakers, and it’s common for them to be exposed to a less...
1、“Can I get a…” 英国人吐槽:当某些人想要什么东西时,我经常听到他们说:“Can I get a…(我能要一个……)”这让我大为恼火。这里又不是纽约,又不是90年代,你以为你是在Cen...
1、Blast An exclamation of surprise. You may also hear someone shout "blast it", or even "bugger and blast”! 惊讶的尖叫。你可能也听过有人大喊“blast it(该死的;TMD(´・ω・`)哦…)”,或者甚至“bugger and b...
If Only 1. If Only 如果能再爱一次 Ian Wyndham (Nicholls) is a British Businessman who lives with his musician girlfriend, Samantha Andrews (Hewitt) in London. Ian takes Sam forgranted making Sam feeling vulnerable in the role of the...
推荐阅读: 英语学习托福词汇表2001-3000(汇总) 2601 inherent adj. 固...
推荐阅读: 英语学习托福词汇表2001-3000(汇总) 2351 heed n./v. 注意...
1.认清词汇对GRE考试的重要性 掌握gre词汇量是GRE考试成功的一半...
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