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  • 奥巴马英语演讲稿:勃兰登堡门(双语) 日期:2014-04-01 06:25:13 点击:172 好评:0

    奥巴马英语演讲稿:勃兰登堡门(双语) Remarks by President Obama at the Brandenburg Gate 奥巴马总统在勃兰登堡门的讲话 Pariser Platz, Brandenburg Gate 勃兰登堡门 巴黎广场 Berlin, Germany 德国 柏林...

  • 奥巴马2012圣诞祝词(中英对照) 日期:2014-04-01 06:09:55 点击:136 好评:0

    奥巴马2012圣诞祝词(中英对照) WASHINGTON - In this weeks address, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama wished families across the country a Merry Christmas and encouraged everyone to support the troops and thei...

  • 奥巴马英语演讲稿:纪念“911”袭击 日期:2014-04-01 03:19:37 点击:172 好评:0

    奥巴马英语演讲稿:纪念911袭击 Remarks of President Barack Obama on 9/11 This week, we mark the eleventh anniversary of the September 11th attacks. Its a time to remember the nearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children we lost...

  • 双语:奥巴马夫妇被爆婚姻破裂 日期:2014-03-30 01:15:08 点击:211 好评:0

    双语:奥巴马夫妇被爆婚姻破裂 According to The Sunday Times , a flurry of tabloid reporting in the US about unspecified marital problems is threatening to overshadow the First Lady's upcoming 50th birthday celebrations. 据《星...

  • 英语美文欣赏:美国总统奥巴马为妻子女儿买衣服 日期:2014-03-19 13:10:50 点击:146 好评:0

    President Barack Obama took on a daunting task on Tuesday: shopping for clothes for his wife and daughters during a brief stop at a Gap store in New York before attending two Democratic Party fundraisers in the city. At the store, he sorted...

  • 奥巴马在宴请胡锦涛的晚宴上秀中国谚语 日期:2012-11-25 14:51:58 点击:231 好评:0

    简介: 国家主席胡锦涛19日出席了美国总统奥巴马在白宫为他举行的欢迎宴会。当日晚6时,胡锦涛主席抵达白宫,奥巴马总统和夫人在门口迎接,在晚宴上奥巴马大秀中国谚语。 1月...

  • 【备战口译】奥巴马在纪念肯尼迪就任总统50周年活动上的讲话 日期:2012-11-09 11:50:03 点击:241 好评:0

    Remarks at the 50th Anniversary of John F. Kennedys Inauguration Barack Obama, President of the United States January 20, 2011 The Kennedy Center, Washington, D.C. 在纪念约翰∙肯尼迪就任总统50周年活动上的讲话 美国总统...

  • 口译实践:奥巴马在67届联合国大会上发表讲话(视频) 日期:2012-11-03 10:33:31 点击:342 好评:0

    President Obamas Address at 67th U.N. General Assembly 奥巴马总统在第67届联合国大会发表讲话 THE PRESIDENT: Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, fellow delegates, ladies and gentleman: I would like to begin today by telling...

  • 林书豪神奇表现感动奥巴马 总统称这是伟大的故事 日期:2012-11-02 03:51:06 点击:156 好评:0

    President Obama, a noted passionate hoops fan, has been swept up in the Knicks rookie Jeremy Lins remarkable run, his Press Secretary Jay Carney said. 白宫的新闻秘书Jay Carney透露,著名的激情篮球迷奥巴马总统也未能逃...

  • 奥巴马在美国矿难悼念仪式上的悼词(视频) 日期:2012-11-02 03:42:13 点击:148 好评:0

    To all the families who loved so deeply the miners we’ve lost; to all who called them friends, worked alongside them in the mines, or knew them as neighbors, in Montcoal and Naoma, or Whitesville, in the Coal River Valley and across West...

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