虚拟语气 (1)条件句 If I were you Id (199306-7) (199601-9) (199706-10) (200006-4) If only (199401-9)(200312-3) It would be betterif(199601-3) If it hadnt I might have (199606-3) If you try doing sth ,youd (200001-5) I wouldnt have tro...
疑问句 What whats the matter with (199306,2) What do you want(199306,6) What do you think of ?(199601,9)(199801,3)(200001,2)(200501,4) What happen to you (199801,8) what can I do for you ?(200001,1) what are we going to do(...
建议句型 Would you like to? --(199301-9)(199401-3)(199501-6)(199506-5)(199706-9)(200001-8)(200006-1)(200312-8) If I were you Id (199306-7)(200006-4) I hope you will(199501-7) How about? (199506-10) It would be better for you (199601-3)...
肯定句 Thats true (1991/8) Yes, thats about everything. (1993 01/1) So did I (1993 01/7) Yes, indeed. Im planning to(1994 01/5) Yes, and he liked it so much that(1994 01/10) Take it easy ,Things will work out (1995 01/1) Yes, you are r...
(一)题型特征 这种题型考察的是在有限时间内(15分钟)找到指定信息(10道题目)的能力。10道题目分成两种形式:1-7题是目前考的形式四选一,2006年12月至2007年12月的 考试 曾经考...
凌波微步:新 四级 之快速 阅读 全解 I.是常规技术,不是特异功能 新 四级 阅读 的最大变化,是新增了专门的快速 阅读 ,对考生心理挑战最大。似乎对速度的要求突然间猛增,让人...
46. Accuse vt. 控告, 谴责, 非难 Real Networks accuses Microsoft of pursuing a broad course of predatory conduct over a period of years . Real Networks 指责微软多年来一直全力推行掠夺性的经营方式。 47. revenue n. 收...
41. Battery n. 电池, 殴打 Singer Bobby Brown has been charged with battery after a weekend altercation with his wife , singer Whitney Houston . 歌手博比?布朗 在周末与其妻--- 歌星惠特尼. 休斯顿发生一场口角后被控...
36. Treaty n. 条约, 谈判 Top officials from around the world are in Mexico to sign the first worldwide anticorruption treaty . 世界各国的高级官员齐聚墨西哥 , 签署第一个世界范围的反腐败公约 。 37. Conventi...
31. Weapon n. 武器 Libya was developing nuclear weapons , but it was still several years away from actually having one . 利比亚曾一度在发展核武器 , 但距离真正拥有核武器还需要好几年的时间。 32. Facility n....
推荐阅读: 英语学习托福词汇表2001-3000(汇总) 2601 inherent adj. 固...
推荐阅读: 英语学习托福词汇表2001-3000(汇总) 2351 heed n./v. 注意...
1.认清词汇对GRE考试的重要性 掌握gre词汇量是GRE考试成功的一半...
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