

[预留广告位 QQ:40788351]
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  • 你说的英语地道?老外告诉你把握节奏是关键 日期:2019-03-01 01:57:56 点击:98 好评:0

    十年寒窗苦读英语,为谁辛苦为谁忙?当然是用来和老外“侃”喽。那外国人究竟如何看待中国人说的英语,他们说话有没有诀窍呢? 克里斯多佛汉普顿--英国驻上海总领事的考官协调...

  • 老外告诉你:为什么你的口语总是停滞不前? 日期:2019-02-28 14:49:14 点击:140 好评:0

    很多朋友在学英语的过程中会有这样的感受:为什么我的口语总是停滞不前呢?来看看下面老外给大家聊的这5点建议: 1.Don't study grammar too much 1.不过多学习语法 This rule might sound stran...

  • 生而为赢系列第二十五篇:镜子,镜子,告诉我 日期:2014-07-12 10:19:08 点击:151 好评:0

    Mirror, Mirror---What do I See? A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror. Mirrors have a very particular function. They reflect the image in front of them. Just as...

  • 英文诗:告诉我爱的真相 日期:2014-05-03 08:03:11 点击:177 好评:0

    Some say that love s a little boy, And some say it s a bird, Some say it makes the world go round, And some say it makes that s absurd, And when I asked the man next-door, Who looked as if he knew, His wife got very cross indeed, And said i...

  • 【求职】七大细节 告诉你面试结果 日期:2014-04-14 22:16:35 点击:129 好评:0

    七大细节 告诉你面试结果 So you've had your job interview, and, as you wait to hear from the company, you keep replaying the interview in your mind and wondering how you did. But is there any way to know until you get an offer or...

  • 8个理由告诉你 初次约会不必紧张 日期:2014-04-11 12:34:34 点击:424 好评:0

    8个理由告诉你 初次约会不必紧张 Dating, as most humans who engage in it have no doubt observed, can be a major source of stress -- especially first dates. You can waste a shocking amount of time worrying about your outfit, wher...

  • 丈母娘(婆婆)不会告诉你的25件事 日期:2014-04-01 12:22:07 点击:255 好评:0

    丈母娘(婆婆)不会告诉你的25件事 Once the wedding vows are taken, new roles materialize. If only you both had a how-to manual. Here are some insider tips to help nurture future interactions. By Maureen Mackey The dreaded moth...

  • 名师告诉你美国大学喜欢什么样的申请材料 日期:2012-11-02 01:56:48 点击:182 好评:0

    一、申请材料清单最忌作假 我们首先看一下它的官方网站上列出了哪些申请材料清单,一般来说他会要你提交一个网络申请,然后还要交申请费,还需要你的大学成绩单以及托福、GR...

  • 一首女声英文歌 歌词有句You make me so beautiful,跪求哪位好心人知道告诉我,先谢 日期:2012-10-29 20:28:22 点击:1324 好评:0

    一首女声英文歌 歌词有句You make me so beautiful,跪求哪位好心人知道告诉我,先谢啦! beautiful 告诉 歌词 you me 女声 好心...

  • 一首英文歌曲,很好听,女声,中间是,哦哦哦哦哦哦有哪个知道能告诉我吗? 日期:2012-10-24 12:36:11 点击:252 好评:0

    一首英文歌曲,很好听,女声,中间是,哦哦哦哦哦哦有哪个知道能告诉我吗? 告诉 女声 英文歌曲 ....神才找的到...

[预留广告位 QQ:40788351]
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[预留广告位 QQ:40788351]