Fly on the Wall暗中观察或监视别人的人 S:So, what are you innocent of, huh? G:I'm an illegal alien. S:You goddamn gringos. You come down here and steal all the jobs. Of course, half the country does want to kidnap you. And...
For the Birds荒唐可笑的,毫无价值的,无意义的,不重要的 N:All right. Everybody cough up some green for the little lady.C'm on, throw in a buck! M:Uh,uh, I don't tip. N:You don't tip? M:I don't tip because society sa...
Get off on the Wrong Foot一开始就没把事情做对 J:Listen, I came to make peace. We got off on the wrong foot. What do you say? Friends? K:Look, I don't... J:By the way, I brought Downey some comic books he was asking for. Th...
Fly by the Seat of One's Pants凭自己的感觉做事,摸着石头过河 V:Well, do you plan everything? E:Always. V:Yeah. Me too. I'm actually.... No, I'm not a planner. I wouldn't say I was a planner. I would say I was, um, a kin...
N:If it is true, he should, he must step down. And if it's not true, then he must... We are informed he has extended his visit to China. Face the music, whatever that may be. The election's in 11 days. Let the American people decide. A:...
Bury / Hide One's Head in the Sand 躲避问题的态度,采取驼鸟政策 J:Don't you ever talk about my friends. And you certainly wouldn't condescend to speak to any of my friends. So you just stick to the things you know: shopping,...
Born with a Silver Spoon in One's Mouth 出身富贵,生于富贵人家 B:I've already spoken to the mayor, and we see eye to eye. M:Mayors come and go. Blue bloods tire easy. You think you can go 15 rounds with Muhammad Shreck? B:W...
Bite the Bullet 咬紧牙关应对,硬着头皮应付 S:I gotta tell you, Wade, I'm leaning to Jerry's viewpoint here. W:Well... We gotta protect Jean. We're not holding any cards here, Wade. They got them all, so they call the shots....
H:Harry... Ha:That's a national commercial. H:Jesus, stop. It's nothing. I mean there was actually this kind of cool moment where I got to sort of do the wave... I prefer "Genaros". Whatever, it's nothing curious. Ha:It's pretty....
V:James, over here. Come on. J:Vijay. The money I gave you. Here. Rupees! Easy come, easy go. It certainly pays to advertise. V:This way, James. J:Ah, Q. How are you? Q:Most unhappy, 007, thanks to you. How can I be expected to...
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