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2017-12-05 08:57 | 来源:英语学习网站 | 编辑:学英语

2017年的最后一个月依然是各种电影精彩不断,有关于烂片是怎么炼成的电影,有关于两栖人的爱情故事的电影,有把人缩小的科幻电影,有讲述英国大作家查尔斯•狄更斯如何写出《圣诞颂歌》的电影,还有《星球大战》粉丝期待已久的续集。一起来看看BBC推荐12月佳片。 内容来自www.yingyuzhijia.com




The Disaster Artist 《灾难艺术家》


主演: 詹姆斯•弗兰科、戴夫•弗兰科、塞斯•罗根、乔什•哈切森、扎克•埃夫隆 copyright yingyuzhijia.com

“Haha, what a great story!” This line from Tommy Wiseau’s all-American hero Johnny in The Room, beloved by many as possibly the worst film ever made, also applies to James Franco’s captivating new film about the making of this cinematic disaster. Franco directs and stars as Wiseau, an immigrant to the US of mysterious origins who possesses a one-of-a-kind accent, long black locks that make him look like Gene Simmons crossed with Stephen Baldwin, and a talent that can be charitably described as unique. In 2003 Wiseau, rebuffed by many a casting director and talent agent decided to make his own ‘Hollywood’ movie. In possession of apparently limitless financial resources, Wiseau’s cinematic brainchild was The Room, a chamber drama of betrayal that’s become a hit as a midnight movie because it is so laughably terrible. Franco captures Wiseau’s tics to perfection and ends up recreating about a quarter of The Room in this adaptation of actor Greg Sestero’s book The Disaster Artist, about the making of the movie. Unlike The Room itself, this is a movie you can laugh with, rather than at. Released December 1 in the US, UK and Ireland, December 6 in the Philippines and December 21 in Argentina and the Netherlands. (Credit: A24)


“哈哈,这真是个好故事!” 托米•韦素在电影《房间》中扮演的全美英雄强尼说过这么一句话。虽然受到很多人的喜爱,但该片可能是有史以来最烂的电影之一。强尼这句话也适用于詹姆斯•弗兰科拍摄的讲述这部烂片拍摄过程的新电影,该片相当引人入胜。弗兰科自导自演,在片中他饰演的韦素是一个拥有多种神秘血统和独特口音的美国移民,他长而黑的卷发让他看起来像基恩•西蒙和史提芬•宝云的混合体,他的才华说好听点是别具一格。2003年,遭到诸多选角导演和星探回绝的韦素决定制作自己的“好莱坞”电影。在大量的财务支持下,韦素创作出了电影作品《房间》,这部在室内发生的讲述背叛的午夜电影因为烂到可笑而轰动一时。弗兰科完美把握住了韦素的固有特征,在这部根据演员格雷戈•赛斯特罗所著的《灾难艺术家》改编的电影中重现了《房间》剧情的四分之一以及该电影的制作过程。和《房间》不同,这是一部能把你逗笑的电影,而不是让你取笑的电影。该片于12月1日在美国、英国和爱尔兰上映,12月6日在菲律宾上映,12月21日在阿根廷和荷兰上映。(资料来源:A24制片公司) 内容来自www.yingyuzhijia.com



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The Shape of Water 《水形物语》 内容来自www.yingyuzhijia.com


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Guillermo del Toro continues to carve out one of the most visually distinctive oeuvres in Hollywood today with this slippery changeling of a movie that won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival: it’s part Lovecraftian beastie horror, part forbidden romance, part Cold War drama, with a few more genres thrown in for good measure. Sally Hawkins plays a mute maid at a US government research facility who falls in love with one of the test subjects, an amphibian creature found in the Amazon – another feat of physicality by Doug Jones, probably the best-known creature actor working today who isn’t Andy Serkis. She tries to help her beloved frog-man flee a one-dimensional baddie in government tough Michael Shannon. In his five-star review, BBC Culture film critic Nicholas Barber wrote that The Shape of Water is “an Oscar contender in pretty much every category” and declared “this is one of the most delightful films of the year.” Released December 8 in the US and Canada. (Credit: Fox Searchlight)

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吉尔莫•德尔•托罗的这部湿滑丑怪电影再度成为当下好莱坞画风最独特的作品之一,还在威尼斯电影节上获得了金狮奖。这部电影中,有洛夫克拉夫特风格的野兽恐怖,有禁忌的爱情,也有冷战剧情,还带有其他几种流派的味道。莎莉•霍金斯饰演了美国政府研究机构中的一位哑女仆,她爱上了机构中的一位实验对象——在亚马逊地区发现的一个两栖生物。这个两栖生物是道格•琼斯的肉身绝技,他很可能是当今世上除了安迪•瑟金斯(《指环王》中Gollum的扮演者)以外最著名的扮演生物的演员。哑女试图帮助她心爱的蛙人逃离政府中的冷酷坏蛋迈克尔•珊农的魔爪。BBC文化的影评人尼古拉斯•巴伯在他的五星评论中写道,《水形物语》“是奥斯卡所有奖项的有力角逐者”,并宣称“这是今年最让人愉快的电影之一”。该片于12月8日在美国和加拿大上映。(资料来源:福克斯探照灯电影公司) copyright www.yingyuzhijia.com