2016年12月4日GRE写作部分: 织梦内容管理系统
Issue: copyright dedecms
The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but by the general welfare of its people.
copyright dedecms
参考分析(来自万炜老师): 本文来自织梦
伟人成就的非充分性:(前苏联,有大量成就,但是人民水深火热,国家很快垮了,不算伟大;春秋时期的中国,国家混乱,每个小国都不强大,免费学英语网站,但是是历史上伟人最多的时刻) 本文来自织梦
人民幸福的非充分性(北欧诸国,有好的福利,没有什么重大成就,我们不觉得它们伟大)When we talk about great nations, normally people would not think about nations like Iceland, Norway, Finland or Luxemburg. These nations, although wealthy enough to have almost insurmountable welfare systems, generally are not deemed as the greatest ones in the world. …